Return of Spring
Title of Work: “Return of Spring” Details: Porcelain leaves and face, copper bits, alcohol and acrylic inks all coated with resin. Framed in white Size: 12” x 12″ Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $400
Title of Work: “Return of Spring” Details: Porcelain leaves and face, copper bits, alcohol and acrylic inks all coated with resin. Framed in white Size: 12” x 12″ Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $400
Title of Work: “The Man In The Moon” Details: Porcelain pieces, acrylic and alcohol inks, coated with resin and varnish. Framed in white Size: 13” x 12” Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $400
Title of Work: “Olde Still” Details: Glazed earthenware Size: 8″ x 15″ Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $400
Title of Work: “As We Age We Continue to Blossom” Details: Earthenware , metal wire, hand-made paper, acrylic inks mounted on a ceramic tile Size: 13″ high on 6” x 8” tile. Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $220
Title of Work: “Capturing Dreams” Details: Metal armature, stoneware, bronze paint, milkweed seeds, copper mesh mounted on a ceramic tile Size: 13″ high on 6” x 8” tile. Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $350
Title of Work: “Releasing Dreams” Details: Metal armature, stoneware, bronze paint, milkweed seeds, copper mesh mounted on a ceramic tile Size: 13″ high on 6” x 8” tile. Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $350
Title of Work: “Celtic Pot” Details: Glazed stoneware, decorative only Size: 10″ x 18″ Created by: Jane Kavanagh Morton Price: $350